saya akan membagikan tugas bahasa inggris lintas minat saya (tugas story telling).. dan silahkan disedot gan :D
saya diberi tugas untuk menceritakan sebuah isi video yang berjudul : Changing batteries. link video :
ceritanya lumayan menyedihkan.. (namanya juga sad story :D)..
dan langsung saja...
Hello my friend. My name is (isi namamu sendiri) and my
class is from (isi kelasmu). In this video i want to tell the story about changing
Once upon a time, in
5 july 2011. there was a old mother leave alone in a little house, She
have a child named john and her child are never go back to home because he always busy
to his work in the city. Her child are so pity to his mother, so he sent a box
with a help-o-robot and a letter inside
and his old mother received his “gift” and open it and saw a letter and the word
of the letter is “sorry, couldnt make it back again this year, here is
something for you. Sincerely john” and after that his old mother activate the robot and give a
broom to the robot, And the robot starting to sweeping the room. The robot almost
can do anything : sweeping in terrace, watering a plant, and including give a
blanket to the old mom. And in the
night, the old mother wake up and saw the robot is watching Television. The
robot was attracted by the TV show : circus in town, and the old mother are
agree to watch a circus with the robot in the 5 july 2012. And in the next
night, when the robot was have a “dinner” in the kitchen with the old mom. The robot
was losing “his” power because "his" battery was run out, and then the old mother change the battery with a and
the robot was “life” again. And the next day, the old mother was starting a
sick and she bought something to the robot. the robot have been given a bottle
of lubricants, and the robot are so happy of that. And the next day or in 5
july 2012, the old mother is starting to die. Before she die, she give the
robot a 2 ticket to the circus. And the robot was happy again. And quickly the
robot pick up the big hat to the old mom. And unexpected thing
happen, the old mom was die. Leaving her child and the robot. and the robot was
sad and “he” realieze that the old mother was die. After that, the robot was
alone in the old mom’s house. And the robot is waiting “his” dead. And the time
was begin, the robot is starting to losing the power. The eye’s robot is
starting to close forever. When the robot was dead, suddenly something happen.
The robot meet the old mother again, the old mother persuade the robot to join
watching circuss. And of course.. the robot was happy and the old mother came to the circus with the robot in heaven...
I think thats all, thank you very much. Im
sorry if there any mistake (sorry for my bad english)
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